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jaeger-client-ruby 9001.0

This gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...

2,732 ダウンロード数

jaeger-client-with-ruby-32-support 2.0.0

OpenTracing Tracer implementation for Jaeger in Ruby

682 ダウンロード数

jaeheegeo 0.0.1

Simple web application for geoip

4,429 ダウンロード数

jaehess-powncer 0.1.2

Powncer is a Ruby library to the Pownce REST API

3,458 ダウンロード数

jafry 0.2.0

This gem allows you to easily create JSON data fixtures from ...

8,545 ダウンロード数


Like the main version of this gem, this version is 100% unsupported. Use at your own ri...

10,171 ダウンロード数

jagadeesh 0.0.1

it contains libraries

4,377 ダウンロード数

jagerbomb 0.1.0

First gem created

3,231 ダウンロード数

jage-rmysqldump 0.0.1

Used for dumping mysql databases on shared servers

3,441 ダウンロード数

jagg 0.1.1

This gem uses the Gravatar API to provide you with both profile and image data.

4,446 ダウンロード数

jagger 0.0.1

Jagger an frontman for your applications. It serves dynamically generated assets via s...

4,501 ダウンロード数

jagram 0.1.0

jagram is made for japanese programming eduction purpose

1,655 ダウンロード数

jagthedrummer-roo 1.3.12

roo can access the contents of OpenOffice-, Excel- or Google-Spreadsheets

3,497 ダウンロード数

jagthedrummer-rvideo 0.9.6

Inspect and transcode video and audio files.

8,472 ダウンロード数

jagthedrummer-scruffy 0.2.15

Scruffy is a Ruby library for generating high quality, good looking graphs. It is desig...

13,407 ダウンロード数

jagthedrummer-yahooweather 1.0.2


5,900 ダウンロード数

jagthedrummer-yahoo-weather 1.0.4


5,943 ダウンロード数

jaguar 0.2.0

jaguar eats capybaras

6,952 ダウンロード数

jah 0.0.6

Talk to your machines. Like a God.

12,842 ダウンロード数

jahtml_formatter 1.0.5

Tweaked rspec html formatter. More suitable for pdf generation. At least for me.

23,806 ダウンロード数

jahuty 3.4.0

Turn any page into a content-managed page.

24,839 ダウンロード数

jahuty-snippet 0.1.0

Turn any page into a content-managed page.

2,484 ダウンロード数


Merb plugin that generates daemons

5,894 ダウンロード数

jaikoo-thinking-sphinx 0.9.10

A concise and easy-to-use Ruby library that connects ActiveRecord to the Sphinx search ...

3,432 ダウンロード数

jail 0.2.0

Developers facility to install or remove jQuery plugins hosted on github by adding...

13,746 ダウンロード数

jails 0.1.1

Ruby in Jails is a cheap, primitive, amateur attempt at a Web MVC framework strictly fo...

3,856 ダウンロード数

jaimaharashtra 0.0.0

A simple maharshtra gem

3,518 ダウンロード数

jaimeiniesta-hashtag_retweet_bot 0.1.3

Script that listens to a tag and retweets messages with that tag. Originally made for S...

6,064 ダウンロード数

jaimeiniesta-metainspector 1.1.4

MetaInspector is a ruby gem for web scraping purposes, that returns a hash with metadat...

18,415 ダウンロード数

jaimito 0.1.1

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

5,479 ダウンロード数