padrino_bootstrap_forms 0.1.2
Padrino Bootstrap Forms is a port of Seth Vargo's Bootstrap Forms for Rails. It...
17,433 ダウンロード数
padrino-cache 0.15.3
Caching support for memcached, page and fragment
1,298,002 ダウンロード数
padrino-cancan 0.1.0
Padrino can can use all CanCan goodies
19,608 ダウンロード数
padrino-cancancan 0.1.0
This gem lets you use the CanCanCan gem ( ...
3,492 ダウンロード数
padrino-cms 0.1.1
Content fragments, components and pages for Padrino applications
4,509 ダウンロード数
padrino-contrib 0.2.0
Contributed plugins and utilities for the Padrino Ruby Web Framework
82,399 ダウンロード数
padrino-cookies 0.1.2
A plugin for the Padrino web framework which adds support for Rails like cookie manipul...
62,854 ダウンロード数
padrino-core 0.15.3
The Padrino core gem required for use of this framework
1,921,248 ダウンロード数
padrino-csrf 0.1.1
A plugin for the Padrino web framework which adds CSRF protection
14,642 ダウンロード数
padrino-decorator 0.0.4
Object-Oriented layer of presentation logic to your Padrino apps.
11,825 ダウンロード数
padrino-env 0.0.1
Loads ENV variables from a yml file
3,515 ダウンロード数
padrino-fields 0.3.3
Smart fields for your forms, similar to Formtastic or SimpleForm
4,740 ダウンロード数
padrino-flash 0.2.0
A plugin for the Padrino web framework which adds support for Rails like flash messages
27,495 ダウンロード数
padrino-form-errors 0.1.0
Validation errors explanation done in good way for Padrino framework.
11,918 ダウンロード数
padrino_gelflogger 0.3.0
Log from Padrino to Graylog2
20,206 ダウンロード数
padrino-gen 0.15.3
Generators for easily creating and building padrino applications from the console
1,486,045 ダウンロード数
padrino-goon 0.0.2
Padrino background processing support, Padrino's goons will take care
6,467 ダウンロード数
padrino-grape 1.0.0
compatibility module for padrino, to make grape mountable
5,795 ダウンロード数
padrino-helpers 0.15.3
Tag helpers, asset helpers, form helpers, form builders and many more helpers for padrino
6,269,810 ダウンロード数
padrino-helpers-cj 0.12.2
Tag helpers, asset helpers, form helpers, form builders and many more helpers for padrino
3,494 ダウンロード数
padrino-hstore 0.1.1
This gem adds support for hstore to Activerecord (< version 4) on the Padrino framework...
4,216 ダウンロード数
padrino-jbuilder 0.0.8
Adds the jbuilder templating engine to Padrino
21,952 ダウンロード数
padrino-json 0.0.4
Adds a json_data helper that returns parsed json request data.
12,999 ダウンロード数
padrino-lazy 0.0.2alpha
padrino model base generator for the Padrino Ruby Web Framework
4,857 ダウンロード数
padrino-localization 0.2.0
This gem allows you to localalize your padrino application with ease
16,913 ダウンロード数
padrino-mailer 0.15.3
Mailer system for padrino allowing easy delivery of application emails
1,493,040 ダウンロード数
padrino-multi-json 0.0.4
Simplified way to render json strings in padrino apps
11,074 ダウンロード数
padrino-performance 0.15.3
A gem for finding performance problems in Padrino by tracking loads and memory consumpt...
54,927 ダウンロード数
padrino-pipeline 0.4.0
The Padrino asset management system allowing frictionless serving of assets
18,890 ダウンロード数
padrino-relative 0.0.3
Enables relative controller paths in Padrino (for DRYness)
9,621 ダウンロード数