quirkey-qadmin 0.2.3
An [almost] one command solution for adding admin interfaces/resources to a Rails app.
15,069 ダウンロード数
quirkey-restful_query 0.3.0
RestfulQuery provides a simple interface in front of a complex parser to parse speciall...
5,703 ダウンロード数
quirkey-sinatra-gen 0.4.0
sinatra-gen generates a common file structure and basic app files for a web app utilizi...
15,132 ダウンロード数
quirkey-static_model 0.2.1
ActiveRecord like functionalities for reading from YAML with a simple class implementation
5,658 ダウンロード数
quirkey-vegas 0.1.0
Vegas aims to solve the simple problem of creating executable versions of Sinatra/Rack ...
17,372 ダウンロード数
qui-tabs 0.0.3
qUI: rails helpers for generating tabs
11,385 ダウンロード数
qui-toolbar 0.0.5
qUI: rails helpers for generating toolbars
18,115 ダウンロード数
quiver 0.21.0
Quiver is a framework for writing web APIs
3,090 ダウンロード数
quiver_note 0.0.7
Unofficial ruby interface for [HappenApps quiver](
7,806 ダウンロード数
quiversbrew 0.1.2470993
Set of modules which defines common tasks to build, deploy C# projects. It also allows ...
1,930 ダウンロード数
quiverstaskrunner 0.1.2492472
Set of modules which defines common tasks to build, deploy C# projects. It also allows ...
79,868 ダウンロード数
quiver_toolbox 0.2.0
QuiverToolbox is utility tools for Quiver.
4,074 ダウンロード数
quivjek 0.0.7
A Jekyll plugin that automatically copies a Quiver notebook to your Jekyll _posts folde...
11,152 ダウンロード数
quixote 0.2.0
A flexible, stateful generator for sample time-series data
18,818 ダウンロード数
quixoten-craigler 1.2.1
Search API for craigslist
10,349 ダウンロード数
quixoten-puppetdb-terminus 4.3.0
PuppetDB Terminus
149,345 ダウンロード数
quiyo 0.2.2
Inspired by pimpd2
10,463 ダウンロード数
quiz 0.2.1
17,832 ダウンロード数
quiz_api_client 4.17.1
Ruby client for quiz_api
166,800 ダウンロード数
quiz_broker_client 0.2.0
Serves as the client for reading and writing to brokered data in Canvas New Quizzes
6,815 ダウンロード数
quiz_dsl 0.1.0
Práctica 11 LPP
5,572 ダウンロード数
quizgame 0.0.4
This gem privide framework for quiz game. This gem can be used for spaced repetition st...
15,575 ダウンロード数
quizHanielMaria 0.0.1
DSL Para Examenes
3,296 ダウンロード数
quizkarenjose 0.0.1
Gema Quiz
3,333 ダウンロード数
quizlet-ruby 0.0.1
A Ruby wrapper for the Quizlet 2.0 API
3,909 ダウンロード数
quiz_master 0.0.3
Simple manager for multiple choice quizzes
8,386 ダウンロード数
quiz_proctor_engine 1.3.1
Allows students to take canvas quizzes in a chromeless view, as well as allow proctors ...
12,943 ダウンロード数
quizzer 0.1.9
Quizzer package evaluates exams, answers and generates scores.
7,982 ダウンロード数
quizzes 0.1.1
A quiz engine that you can extend and customize to build your own game
4,942 ダウンロード数
quizzy 0.3.3
Survey engine supporting complex surveys
4,365 ダウンロード数