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i18n_shoulda_generator 1.0.1

Generators which create tests using shoulda and HAML, fully i18nized.

9,093 ダウンロード数

i18n_sort_keys 0.0.1

Sort locales keys in alphabetic order. Sort all locales if no path parameter given

4,844 ダウンロード数

i18n-spec 0.6.0

Includes a number of rspec matchers to make specing your locale files easy peasy.

1,044,544 ダウンロード数

i18n_strategy 0.0.4

Provides a very much simple way to detect and set locale in your Rails application

14,662 ダウンロード数

i18n_structure 0.0.5

Create structure for I18n locale files

18,091 ダウンロード数

i18n_sync 0.5.1

Gem to sync all locale yml/rb files based on a "master" one.

28,861 ダウンロード数

i18n-sync 0.8.0

Gem to sync all locale yml/rb files based on a "master" one.

3,479 ダウンロード数

i18n_tasks 0.1.0

Automatically generates locale files for Rails for different use cases

2,254 ダウンロード数

i18n-tasks 1.0.14

i18n-tasks helps you find and manage missing and unused translations. It analyses code...

20,813,811 ダウンロード数

i18n-tasks-angular 0.1.0

i18n-tasks helps you find and manage missing and unused translations that are created w...

3,751 ダウンロード数

i18n-tasks-ar 0.1.0

Tasks for generate ActiveRecord model and attributes translations

3,713 ダウンロード数

i18n-tasks-csv 1.1

This is a packaged gem version of the CSV import/export tasks on the {i18n-tasks Wiki}[...

46,596 ダウンロード数

i18n-tasks-mongoid 0.0.1

i18n-tasks extractor (scanner) for Mongoid models. Work in progress

3,668 ダウンロード数

i18n_template 0.0.1

I18nTemplate is made to extract phrases and translate templates. Currently I18nTemplate...

4,451 ダウンロード数

i18n-timezones 1.4.8

The purpose of this gem is to simply provide timezone translations. The gem is intended...

927,238 ダウンロード数

i18n_toolbox 0.0.2

Provides a set of convenient helpers and active model additions for working with multip...

11,231 ダウンロード数

i18n_tools 0.1.6

Tasks for extracting missing and unused translations from Rails projects

155,002 ダウンロード数

i18n-tools 0.0.6

Tools for Ruby/Rails I18n

20,875 ダウンロード数

i18n-transformers 0.1.0

Transformers for I18n ruby library

21,274 ダウンロード数

i18n-translate-light 0.0.4

i18n-translate-light is a light-weight translation library without any frills, for JS a...

9,098 ダウンロード数

i18n-translate-rails 0.1.0

Automatic translation into the target language based on the base i18n yaml.

666 ダウンロード数

i18n_translation_spawner 0.0.18

Gem for automatic creation of i18n keys in your YAML files as you develop

59,116 ダウンロード数

i18n_translator 0.0.1

Automatically create translated locales files of a rails project from source locales. ...

4,603 ダウンロード数

i18n-translators-tools 0.2.8

This package brings you useful utility and library which can help you to handle locale ...

45,434 ダウンロード数

i18n_tyml 0.1.1

Parse I18n.t function call from view files, and output with yaml format..

6,152 ダウンロード数

i18n_uno 0.1.0

i18n Uno is simple CLI tool that will completly translate your application to any desir...

721 ダウンロード数

i18n_url 1.0.1

I18n url module for Rails 3. Translate your routes easily

7,991 ダウンロード数

i18n_utils 0.2.1

I18n utilities for Ruby on Rails.

23,081 ダウンロード数

i18n-validator 0.0.1

Validats your I18n completness

4,478 ダウンロード数

i18n-verify 0.0.5

It helps you find keys, undefined translations, duplicate keys, and more

26,401 ダウンロード数