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backlog_jp-pj2json 0.0.1

Export project issues/comments to JSON.

3,842 ダウンロード数

backlog_kit 0.19.0

Client library for the Nulab's Backlog API version 2 written in Ruby.

88,105 ダウンロード数

backlog_reporter 0.2.1

Periodically check Puma backlog and write a flag file

8,535 ダウンロード数

backlog_v2_4r 0.1.1

Backlog is an d issue traking service. Backlog has web Api. it can use api_key, This ge...

6,772 ダウンロード数

back_mark 1.0.0

Mark pages with labels that can be linked back from future pages as back links

10,124 ダウンロード数

backnob 0.0.3

Simple background worker library

15,605 ダウンロード数

backofen 0.0.1

Backofen is Distributed Continious Integration node that verifies your changes against ...

5,963 ダウンロード数

backoff 0.2.0

Implements exponential backoff when matching exception is caught

8,277 ダウンロード数

back_office 0.2.2

Back Office provides base objects for building custom Rails apps.

17,452 ダウンロード数


Collection of ViewComponents objects for backoffice

1,705 ダウンロード数

back_ops 1.0.0

BackOps processes multi-step jobs using Sidekiq in a retry-from-failed fashion.

6,062 ダウンロード数

backpack 0.3.0

A plugin generator for Bivouac

15,475 ダウンロード数

backpack_journal 0.0.2

CLI tool for Backpack journal

10,466 ダウンロード数

backpack-journal 1.1.0

Make journal and status entries in 37signals' Backpack. This was a lunchtime project, a...

5,946 ダウンロード数

backpack_tf 0.8.4

API client, accessor methods for

24,774 ダウンロード数

backpack_ui 0.1.1

UI components for StrongMind applications.

368 ダウンロード数

backpedal 0.2.1

A Rails gem that gives your users a universal back link across multiple routes.

6,773 ダウンロード数

backport 1.2.0

A pure Ruby library for event-driven IO

24,084,503 ダウンロード数

backport_activesupport_time_calculations 1.0.0

4,692 ダウンロード数

backport_dig 1.0.0

backport_dig is the backport of Hash#dig, Array#dig and OpenStruct#dig in Ruby 2.3 to o...

99,883 ダウンロード数

backported_strong_parameters 0.2.2

Permitted and required parameters for Action Pack, backported to support rails 3.1+

8,959 ダウンロード数

backported_system_tests 0.1.0

This gem backports the work the great contributors of Rails have done for getting S...

2,941 ダウンロード数

backport_new_renderer 1.0.0

Backport render anywhere feature from rails 5

617,794 ダウンロード数

backports 3.25.0

Essential backports that enable many of the nice features of Ruby for earlier versions.

137,959,124 ダウンロード数

backport_yield_self 2.0.0

backport_yield_self is the backport of Kernel#yield_self in Ruby 2.5 to older Ruby vers...

30,548 ダウンロード数

back_pressure 1.0.0

BackPressure is a zero-dependency collection of stable-API tools for safely and efficie...

1,746,573 ダウンロード数



1,454 ダウンロード数

backrack 0.0.2

Create Backbone.js powered mobile apps using CoffeeScript and sprockets. Use Rack for ...

9,333 ダウンロード数

backrub 2.0.0

Redis-based pubsub system with a backlog

10,875 ダウンロード数

back_run 0.1.0

Background job system to use with Rails based on Google Pub Sub

2,879 ダウンロード数