tacky 0.4.0
Decorate your existing Ruby object with Tacky and all its methods will be cached.
38,332 ダウンロード数
taco 0.0.1
Manages todo items from the command line
4,335 ダウンロード数
tacoda_studio_game 1.0.0
This is an example application used in The Pragmatic Studio's Ruby Programming course,...
1,904 ダウンロード数
taco_it 1.5.3
A command line driven issue tracking system based on a JSON (text) file back-end
34,706 ダウンロード数
tacokit 0.4.0
A ruby toolkit for the Trello API.
18,840 ダウンロード数
tacoma 1.0.15
Easy command line tool for AWS credentials management
52,575 ダウンロード数
TACore 4.1.5
This allows access to the TA Core API
15,239 ダウンロード数
taco_tuesday 0.2.0
Adds #taco_tuesday? methods to Ruby's Date and Time classes. Cause Tacos
4,627 ダウンロード数
tac_scribe 0.8.1
Write Tacview data to PostGIS database
52,015 ダウンロード数
tact 2.0.17
A command line rolodex.
5,029 ダウンロード数
TacTalk 0.1.1
3,306 ダウンロード数
tactful_tokenizer 0.0.5
TactfulTokenizer uses a naive bayesian model train on the Brown and WSJ corpuses to pro...
40,712 ダウンロード数
tactical_fighter 1.0.2
A multiplayer LAN game on gtk2 for anyone to protect the friendly air force by taking d...
10,717 ダウンロード数
tactical_tic_tac_toe 1.0.0
Command line tic tac toe! Run with command 'ttt'
7,355 ダウンロード数
tactless 0.0.1
Manage your contacts without regard to vCard.
4,012 ダウンロード数
tacview_client 0.1.1
Tacview client written in ruby
4,057 ダウンロード数
tadabot 0.1.0
Write a longer description or delete this line.
2,220 ダウンロード数
tadb 0.3.8
Toy file based object storage for academic purposes
17,048 ダウンロード数
ta_deep_pluck 1.3.0
Use deep_pluck as a shortcut to select one or more attributes and include associated mo...
1,684 ダウンロード数
ta_default_value_for 3.4.0
The default_value_for plugin allows one to define default values for ActiveRecord model...
301 ダウンロード数
tado 0.1.2
Quick 'n dirty API client for Tado's V2 API
4,201 ダウンロード数
tadpole 0.1.7
A Small but Extensible Templating Engine for Ruby
28,266 ダウンロード数
tadpoll 2.0.2
Ruby Gem designed to easily create polls with mutually exclusive options for voters to ...
9,765 ダウンロード数
tads6_carlos 1.0.1
Gem para ORM para aulas de Tópicos Especiais de TI - IFMS
5,028 ダウンロード数
tads6_guilherme 1.3.0
Este é um trabalho da faculdade de Tecnologia e Analise e Desenvolvimento, dado pelo pr...
7,480 ダウンロード数
tads6_jean 1.0.5
Gem de ORM generico para aulas de Tópicos Especiais em TI - IFMS
12,358 ダウンロード数
tads6_julio 0.2.1
Atividade avaliativa
3,518 ダウンロード数
tads6_luivia 0.1.0
GEM para ORM para aulas de Tópicos Especiais em TI - IFMS Naviraí
2,000 ダウンロード数
tads6_mariana 0.3.0
"Gem para ORM para aulas de Tópicos Especiais em TI - IFMS"
6,465 ダウンロード数
tads6_patrick 1.2.5
Gem para ORM para aulas de Tópicos Especias em TI - IFMS
16,908 ダウンロード数