wagn 1.21.1
wagn is now decko. come on over!
182,756 ダウンロード数
wagn-dev 0.0.5
support gem for developing Wagn mods
14,139 ダウンロード数
wagon 2.0.2
Provided a valid username and password, Wagon will download all the information...
67,277 ダウンロード数
wagon-erpify 0.1.0
Allows to use OpenERP via erpify in local LocomotiveCMS sites developped with wagon
4,037 ダウンロード数
wagon_rails 0.5.7
WagonRails is a base Rails project with all the best practises and gems taught at Le Wa...
39,742 ダウンロード数
wagons 0.8.0
Wagons are plugins that extend your specific Rails application. This framework makes it...
94,118 ダウンロード数
wahashie 1.2.0
Wahashie is the 1.x release of Hashie pulled into a separate namespace in order to allo...
12,898 ダウンロード数
wahlrecht_de 0.2.0
= wahlrecht_de Provides summary analysis of current poll results from ==...
6,709 ダウンロード数
wahrung 0.1.0
Currency conversions, arithmetics operations and stuff.
2,503 ダウンロード数
wahwah 1.6.6
WahWah is an audio metadata reader ruby gem, it supports many popular formats including...
29,889 ダウンロード数
wahy 1.3.6
You can read Quran's scriptures or signs from terminal. Executable path issues fixed. I...
10,993 ダウンロード数
waiable 1.0.2
Accessible rails form by including aria properties in rails form helper classes.
8,139 ダウンロード数
waifu2x 0.3.1
Noise Reduction and 2x Upscaling for anime style images
11,754 ダウンロード数
waifu2x-harrisbaird 0.2.2
Noise Reduction and 2x Upscaling for anime style images
4,177 ダウンロード数
waigs_dev 0.0.1
Waigs default project template.
4,254 ダウンロード数
wailu_palindrome 0.2.0
Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
3,693 ダウンロード数
waistband 6.3.0
Handles configuration, index creation, quality of life, etc, of Elastic Search in Ruby
322,130 ダウンロード数
wait 0.5.3
Executes a block until there's a valid result.
594,855 ダウンロード数
wait_a_minute 0.0.5
A very simple, application-level DOS (Denial-Of-Service) attack handler for Rails apps....
17,040 ダウンロード数
wait-dialog 0.0.2
A gem that provides a wait dialog plugin in Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline gem format.
6,882 ダウンロード数
waiter 2.0.5
Provides an easy DSL for serving up menus
18,534 ダウンロード数
waiter_ 1.0.4
A simple polling gem.
8,776 ダウンロード数
waitest 0.2.4
4,494 ダウンロード数
waitfor 0.1.7
Simple solution to the sleep( ) test anti-pattern. Blocks execution until a supplied bl...
25,166 ダウンロード数
wait_for 0.1.1
Means for waiting till a condition has been met or until a timeout reached.
23,283 ダウンロード数
waitforit 0.0.1
Tired of sleeping when something is supposed to happen? use this to waitforit instead :)
39,530 ダウンロード数
wait_for_it 0.2.1
Make your complicated integration tests more deterministic with wait for it
14,764 ダウンロード数
wait-for-socket 0.1
A script that waits for a TCP socket to be available at a given address
27,930 ダウンロード数
waithook 0.4.2
Waithook gem is client lib for waithook service
13,188 ダウンロード数
waiting 1.0.0
Waits so you don't have to!
41,309 ダウンロード数