namecheap-client 0.1.4
A simple Ruby client library for interacting with the [Namecheap API](https://www.namec...
620 ダウンロード数
namecheap-dynamic-dns 0.0.2
If you host your services from home your wan I.P can change over time. ...
4,205 ダウンロード数
namecheap-ruby 0.0.3
Ruby wrapper for the Namecheap API
8,898 ダウンロード数
name_checker 0.0.15
NameChecker is a Ruby library for checking the availability of a word across various TL...
37,554 ダウンロード数
named 1.1.0
Give anonymous modules and classes names when they are inspected.
44,266 ダウンロード数
named_accessors 1.1
Create attr_accessor (attr_reader/attr_writer) with specified name
12,733 ダウンロード数
namedarguments 0.0.5
The author was too lazy to write a description
15,576 ダウンロード数
named_arguments 0.0.5
The author was too lazy to write a description
8,399 ダウンロード数
nameday_api 2.0.0
NamedayApi is a Ruby gem that provides a simple interface to fetch nameday information ...
706 ダウンロード数
nameday_vvc_pdf_extractor 0.1.3
Nameday data extraction from Valsts valodas centrs PDF
6,244 ダウンロード数
named_emoji 1.1.1
Named Emojis for Mac OSX Lion and Later. Emoji's names are from Campfire and GitHub.
23,157 ダウンロード数
named_hash 0.2
A new take on HashWithIndifferentAccess
813 ダウンロード数
named_imports 0.2.2
Stop asking where that thing came from.
7,567 ダウンロード数
named_instances 1.0.0
Give cached access to ActiveRecord models for quicker and more readable data-based logic.
33,931 ダウンロード数
named_let 0.2.0
'named_let(:name){ obj }' changes the value which returns 'obj#to_s' and 'obj#inspect' ...
95,460 ダウンロード数
name-dot-com 0.1.0
An easy-to-use client library for the official API.
4,348 ダウンロード数
name_dot_com_api 0.4
This gem allows you to interact with the api via ruby.
14,618 ダウンロード数
named_parameter 1.0.3
Allows named parameter in ruby
28,718 ダウンロード数
named_parameters 1.1.1
By including the NamedParameters module into your class/module the 'named_parameters' m...
32,069 ダウンロード数
named-parameters 0.0.21
This gem simulates named-parameters in Ruby. It's a complement to the common Ruby ...
93,969 ダウンロード数
named_proc 1.2
NamedProc: Like anonymous procs, but have a name. Example: lambda.codebrawl {} # create...
8,182 ダウンロード数
named_return 1.1.0
Named return paths using `throw` and DSL around catch
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name_drop 0.1.0
Ruby usage of Mention API
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named-routes 0.2.9
A simple and generic named routes api. It works really well with Sinatra.
39,289 ダウンロード数
named_scope_for_time_attr 1.0.0
Provides the ActiveRecord helper method <tt>named_scope_for_time_attr</tt>....
4,754 ダウンロード数
named_seeds 2.2.1
Make you tests fast by augmenting them with transactional fixtures powered by your favo...
46,208 ダウンロード数
namedstruct 0.2.2
NamedStruct is a drop-in replacement for Ruby's built-in Struct, that supports initiali...
55,614 ダウンロード数
named_struct 0.1.0
Simple Struct with required keyword arguments
14,019 ダウンロード数
named_validations 0.1.0
named_validations names to arguments of active_model's validates method.
2,850 ダウンロード数
named_value_class 0.7.0
Quickly add customizable class delegate constants which output their names, not their v...
30,112 ダウンロード数