RubyGems Navigation menu


jambi 0.2.0

A minimal Jekyll theme for documenting things you've created.

4,215 ダウンロード数

jambots 0.2.0

Jambots is a command-line interface (CLI) tool for interacting with chatbots powered by...

1,729 ダウンロード数

jamef 1.0.4

Integração com web service da Jamef

12,370 ダウンロード数

jamef-api 0.5.6

Ruby wrapper for the SOAP API.

11,929 ダウンロード数

james 0.7.1

Modular Electronic Butler. Using a simple dialog system where you can easily add more d...

72,650 ダウンロード数

james2m-acts_as_fu 0.0.5

Generate ActiveRecord models on the fly for your tests

3,450 ダウンロード数

james_bond 0.2.0

Fully automation, from development to deploy. Let a MI6 agent help you!

4,539 ダウンロード数

james-bond 0.0.1

James is a bond framework for web development that offers MVC framework and Ruby friend...

4,997 ダウンロード数

james_bond-core 0.2.0

The glue between James Bond and his missions

6,651 ダウンロード数

james_bond-mission_build 0.2.0

Fully building automation

4,516 ダウンロード数

james_bond-mission_kubernetes 0.2.0

Fully kubernetes automation

2,669 ダウンロード数

jamescallmebrent-earworm 0.0.3

Earworm can identify unknown music using MusicDNS and libofa.

3,508 ダウンロード数

jamescallmebrent-rumblr 0.0.2

Ruby client for the Tumblr API

8,438 ダウンロード数

jamescook-ezcrypto 0.7.4

EzCrypto is an easy to use wrapper around the poorly documented OpenSSL ruby library.

3,549 ダウンロード数

jamescook-pow 0.1.6

Ruby 'puts' with shell colors.

27,397 ダウンロード数

jamescook-ruby-imagebam 0.2.0

ruby-imagebam interfaces with the ImageBam API to easily upload your images to ImageBam...

3,487 ダウンロード数

jamescook-uuid 2.0.3

UUID generator for producing universally unique identifiers based on RFC 4122 (http://w...

3,479 ダウンロード数

jamesearl-rails-settings 1.0.5

Ruby Gem that makes managing a table of key/value pairs easy. Think of it like a Hash s...

17,161 ダウンロード数

James_fast_track_gem 0.1.0

a gem that domonstraters how to deploy ruby gems

2,149 ダウンロード数

james_ford 0.0.0

a gem giving practical and pragmatic advice

3,903 ダウンロード数

jamesgolick-ASS 0.1.0

Asynchronous Service Stages for Distributed Services

4,940 ダウンロード数

jamesgolick-cassandra 0.8.2

A Ruby client for the Cassandra distributed database.

4,887 ダウンロード数

jamesgolick-draper 1.1.1a

Draper adds an object-oriented layer of presentation logic to your Rails apps.

2,452 ダウンロード数

jamesgolick-webby 0.9.5

*Webby* is a fantastic little website management system. It would be called a *content ...

4,893 ダウンロード数

JamesHarrison-reve 0.0.119

Reve is a Ruby library to interface with the Eve Online API

5,980 ダウンロード数

jameskilton-patron 0.4.3

Ruby HTTP client library based on libcurl

3,461 ダウンロード数

jameskilton-rice 1.2.0

Rice is a C++ interface to Ruby's C API. It provides a type-safe and exception-safe in...

3,490 ダウンロード数

jamesmacaulay-asset_cloud 0.5.4

An abstraction layer around arbitrary and diverse asset stores.

13,424 ダウンロード数


A module and class factory for SoftLayer's customer portal API

18,344 ダウンロード数

jamesotron-digitalnz 0.1.2

A small gem to interface with the DigitalNZ API

5,987 ダウンロード数