RubyGems Navigation menu


dalbaqui-sanitize_email 0.1.3

allows you to play with your application's email abilities without worrying that emails...

3,709 ダウンロード数

dalia_api_survey_platform 0.0.9

Ruby wrapper for the Dalia's API

3,536 ダウンロード数

dallal 0.3.1

Dallas provides a DSL that allows you to define and create notifications for any kind o...

10,412 ダウンロード数

dallas 0.0.1


2,559 ダウンロード数

dallas-acts-as-phone 0.1.0

ActsAsPhone is a Ruby on Rails gem for setting up phone-number-like model attributes.

9,193 ダウンロード数

dallas-has_phone_number 1.1.1

HasPhoneNumber is a Ruby on Rails gem for setting up phone number attributes.

6,519 ダウンロード数

dallas_mars_rover 1.0.0

A simple gem implementing a mars rover like Logo Turtle. Run the command line app provi...

2,495 ダウンロード数

dallas_view_tool 0.1.1

Provides generated HTML data for Rails applicaitons.

2,583 ダウンロード数

dalli 3.2.8

High performance memcached client for Ruby

102,054,958 ダウンロード数

dalliance 0.11.0

Background processing for ActiveRecord using a 'delayable' worker and a state_machine

142,557 ダウンロード数

dalli_captcha 0.1.0

generate captcha by dalli,use the memcache

11,594 ダウンロード数

dalli-delete-matched 1.3.1

Provides delete_matched for Dalli store in Rails 3

63,684 ダウンロード数

dalli-elasticache 1.0.1

This gem provides an interface for fetching cluster information from an AWS ElastiC...

14,702,930 ダウンロード数

dalli-elasticache-with-timeout 0.2.0

This gem provides an interface for fetching cluster information from an AWS ElastiC...

25,057 ダウンロード数

dalli-extra 0.0.2

Adding some extra methods to Dalli

6,306 ダウンロード数

dalli-ext-spymemcached 1.0.2

Dalli server-hashing algorithm to match spymemcachedJava library.

13,047 ダウンロード数

dalli-ext-spymemcached-debug 1.0.5

Copy of dalli-ext-spymemcached, with gemspec and debug output added so I can watch the ...

11,125 ダウンロード数

dallikeys 0.0.4

DalliKeys extends Dalli with tools to get key information

7,864 ダウンロード数

dalli_keys 0.0.5

DalliKeys extends Dalli with tools to get key information

3,342 ダウンロード数

dalli-keys-match 1.0.0

Dalli::KeysMatch extends Dalli with a function that allow you to list or remove keys us...

4,700 ダウンロード数

dalli_memcached 1.8.0

An interface to the libmemcached C client.

3,550 ダウンロード数

dalli-rate_limiter 0.3.0

Arbitrary Memcached-backed rate limiting for Ruby

595,585 ダウンロード数

dallish 1.4.2

An extended Dalli for memcached 1.4.x

31,680 ダウンロード数

dalli-store-extensions 0.0.2

Provides delete_matched for Dalli store in Rails 3

5,677 ダウンロード数

dalli-store-with-cas 0.0.3

A version of ActiveSupport::Cache::DalliStore with CAS support compatible with Identity...

18,478 ダウンロード数

dalli-ui 0.1.2

Dalli UI is a mountable engine for Rails apps that displays information about your dall...

15,245 ダウンロード数

dalmation 0.0.2

I am one of 101

6,308 ダウンロード数

dalt 1.0.0

If date parsing is failing, then we use alternate

3,990 ダウンロード数

dalton 0.0.1

Dalton attempts to give low level access to Datomic from JRuby

3,390 ダウンロード数

dalziel 0.1.2

Convenience gem for testing JSON API calls

19,508 ダウンロード数