dynamodb-client 0.2.0
A simple DynamoDB client module that allows you to override the endpoint using an envir...
6,446 ダウンロード数
dynamodb_framework 2.0.1
A lightweight framework to provide managers for working with aws dynamodb (incuding loc...
83,694 ダウンロード数
dynamodb_geo 0.2.1
A port of dynamodb_geo to Ruby. Includes a geohash module.
15,361 ダウンロード数
dynamodb_helpers 0.3.0
Lightweight wrapper for some aws-sdk-dynamodb features
18,330 ダウンロード数
dynamodb-local 0.0.6
Wraps installation and usage of the AWS DynamoDB local server tool
110,708 ダウンロード数
dynamodb-migration 0.8.0
Allows for the creation of simple DynamoDB commands that will be executed only once aga...
44,728 ダウンロード数
dynamodb_model 1.0.5
ActiveRecord-ish Dynamodb Model
15,283 ダウンロード数
dynamodb-mutex 0.0.5
dynamodb-mutex implements a simple mutex that can be used to coordinate access to share...
17,176 ダウンロード数
dynamodb_record 0.4.1
A simple DynamoDB ORM
8,393 ダウンロード数
dynamodb-ruby 0.6.0
A small ORM wrapper to make working with AWS Dynamodb easier. Includes Test helpers.
14,575 ダウンロード数
dynamodb-sidekiq-scheduler 0.4
Light weight job scheduling extension for Sidekiq that adds support for queueing jobs i...
4,797 ダウンロード数
dynamodb-streams-client 0.0.4
DynamoDB Streams client.
11,525 ダウンロード数
dyna_model 0.0.15
DyanmoDB ORM on AWS::Record
48,598 ダウンロード数
dynamoid 3.10.0
Dynamoid is an ORM for Amazon's DynamoDB that supports offline development, association...
8,248,364 ダウンロード数
Dynamoid 0.0.1
Dynamoid is an ORM for Amazon's DynamoDB that supports offline development, association...
5,989 ダウンロード数
dynamoid_advanced_where 1.8.0
12,357 ダウンロード数
dynamoid-advanced-where 1.0.0
2,261 ダウンロード数
dynamoid-devise 0.0.3
dynamoid-devise is flexible authentication solution for Rails 4.1.x with Warden using d...
8,441 ダウンロード数
dynamoid-edge 1.1.2
Dynamoid is an ORM for Amazon's DynamoDB that supports offline development, association...
10,372 ダウンロード数
dynamoid_lockable 1.1.0
Uses atomic writes to DynamoDB to ensure you hold an exclusive lock on your records
2,974 ダウンロード数
dynamoid-moda 0.7.2
Dynamoid is an ORM for Amazon's DynamoDB that supports offline development, association...
7,427 ダウンロード数
dynamoid-orm-adapter 0.1.1
ORM Adapter for Dynamoid
3,934 ダウンロード数
dynamoid-paperclip 0.0.1
Dynamoid::Paperclip enables you to use Paperclip with the Dynamoid for DynamoDB.
4,622 ダウンロード数
dynamoid-with-devise 0.1.3
Dynamoid integration with Devise
7,259 ダウンロード数
dynamojs_rails 1.0.0
A light wrapper for using dynamo.js with Ruby on Rails
7,334 ダウンロード数
dynamo-local-ruby 0.3.1
Ruby wrapper around DynamoDB Local for use with AWS-SDK
8,770 ダウンロード数
dynamometer 0.0.9
Adds support for searchable, sortable, dynamic ActiveRecord attributes
27,834 ダウンロード数
dynamo-model 0.1.1
Ccom objetivo de agilizar e simplicar o trabalho com o dynamoDB, essa biblioteca vai aj...
2,751 ダウンロード数
dynamord 0.0.3
A dynamoid to active_record and vice versa association manager
5,785 ダウンロード数
dynamo_record 0.0.21
A simple DynamoDB ORM wrapper on top of aws-sdk v2
52,177 ダウンロード数