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cache_store 0.1.6

This is the base for a cache framework that includes a basic in memory cache store, alo...

68,972 ダウンロード数

cache-store-api 0.1.3

Ruby cache methods built on top of Rails and Sinatra caching.

22,552 ダウンロード数

cache_store_redis 2.4.1

This is the redis cache_store implementation.

131,607 ダウンロード数

cachet 0.0.1

Provides a way to cache and invalidate return values of your time consuming methods.

8,959 ダウンロード数

cachet_api 1.0.2

Ruby library wrapper for - Beautiful & simple service statuses - The op...

7,751 ダウンロード数

cachetastic 3.7.0

A very simple, yet very powerful caching framework for Ruby.

199,174 ダウンロード数

cachetastic-memcache-pool 0.1.1

Cachetastic Memcached Adapter with Connection Pooling

9,271 ダウンロード数

cachetastic-three 3.0.0

A very simple, yet very powerful caching framework for Ruby.

5,647 ダウンロード数

cache_this 0.0.4

This gems allow setting individual expiration date for each cache element

12,410 ダウンロード数

cachethod 0.2.0

Rails plugin for caching model methods

26,569 ダウンロード数

cachetier 0.0.2

Multi-tiered cache

4,558 ダウンロード数

cache_toolbox 0.1.2

Utility cache store classes for Rails applications.

6,571 ダウンロード数

cache_trasher 0.0.1

Convenience methods for removing page cache files in Rails

6,117 ダウンロード数

cache_tree 0.0.5

Cache based on btrees, for large ammounts of cache.

21,724 ダウンロード数

cache_utils 0.2.9

Caching utilities built on top of Rails caching

30,191 ダウンロード数

cache_value 0.4.4

Easy value caching

10,088 ダウンロード数

cache_version 1.0.0

Store the version of any class for cache invalidation

14,249 ダウンロード数

cachew 0.2.1

Unified cache interface.

14,816 ダウンロード数

cache_wagon 0.2.0

Making your Rails 3 caching experience more fun!

9,331 ダウンロード数

cachewarp 0.0.2

Verify cache and content delivery headers

7,766 ダウンロード数

cache_with_locale 0.0.3

Automatically add application locale (I18n.locale) as a part of cache key in Rails views.

55,301 ダウンロード数

cache_with_settings 1.1.0

Configure any values such as the application locale to be part of Rails fragment cachin...

9,446 ダウンロード数

cache-with-yuicompressor 0.1.2

"This gem sets up javascript and CSS bundle file compression using the YUI Compressor. ...

15,007 ダウンロード数

cachex 0.0.1

Automated tag based fragment caching

4,727 ダウンロード数

cachext 0.5.1

Don't calculate the cached value twice at the same time. Use a backup of the data if th...

30,912 ダウンロード数

cachier 0.0.1

Tag your cache keys smartly, you can expire by tags, count keys per tag and many more. ...

7,335 ダウンロード数

cachify 0.0.1

Manages downloading and caching of files

4,352 ダウンロード数

caching 0.0.5

Cache methods

17,071 ダウンロード数

ca_ching 0.1.1

Write-through ActiveRecord model caching that's right on the money

8,675 ダウンロード数

caching_enumerator 0.0.1

If you're putting expensive operations in Enumerator, use this to cache and re-use the ...

101,324 ダウンロード数