factor-connector-ssh 0.0.6
SSH Connector
16,546 ダウンロード数
factor-connector-timer 0.0.1
Timer Connector
3,718 ダウンロード数
factor-connector-travis 0.0.2
Travis-CI Connector
6,285 ダウンロード数
factor-connector-trello 0.0.4
Trello Connector
11,422 ダウンロード数
factor-connector-tutum 0.0.1
Tutum Connector
3,582 ダウンロード数
factor-connector-web 0.1.04
Web Connector
14,115 ダウンロード数
factorial 1.0.0
It will calculate the factorial, GCF, LCM of the number
20,907 ダウンロード数
factorial-cached 0.0.2
This gem is specifically made for getting your factorial operations faster. This gem wa...
6,518 ダウンロード数
factorial_flight 0.0.1
I get asked to calculate factorials in interviews as an example of recursion all the ti...
3,815 ダウンロード数
factorial_gem 1.0.0
factorial_gem is the best
3,730 ダウンロード数
factorial_operations 1.0.0
Provides the following methods: * Calculate * FactorialToS
3,131 ダウンロード数
factorial-presto-parser 1.0.7
A Presto parser for Ruby
9,680 ダウンロード数
factorials 0.0.2
Factorials as C extension.
4,718 ダウンロード数
factories 0.3.0
Objects to build and create models
17,540 ダウンロード数
factorio-mod 0.8.0
Get the info of Factorio's MOD.
32,477 ダウンロード数
factorio_mods 0.0.1
Write a longer description or delete this line.
2,154 ダウンロード数
factorise 0.4.0
Factorise numbers into their prime. Generates an array of a numbers factors.
5,761 ダウンロード数
factory 1.0.1
A mixin implementing the Factory design pattern via Ruby meta-programming.
41,085 ダウンロード数
factory_bot 6.5.0
factory_bot provides a framework and DSL for defining and using factories - less error-...
242,516,708 ダウンロード数
factory_bot_any_instance 1.0.0
Adds helper methods to FactoryBot to memoize instances to speed up test suite.
585,589 ダウンロード数
factory_bot-awesome_linter 1.0.6
An awesome linter for FactoryBot
580,838 ダウンロード数
factory_bot-blueprint 0.4.0
FactoryBot::Blueprint is a FactoryBot extension for building structured objects using a...
1,548 ダウンロード数
factory_bot-blueprint-rspec 0.4.0
FactoryBot::Blueprint integration for RSpec
1,539 ダウンロード数
factory_bot_cache 0.1.1
Help to define complicated objects with factory_bot.
4,136 ダウンロード数
factory_bot_caching 1.0.0
The factory_bot_caching gem provides a caching mechanism for Factory Bot/Factory Girl t...
5,812 ダウンロード数
factory_bot_factory 1.2.1
A Gem that generate FactoryBot's Factory file from exsiting Hash, OpenStruct or Models.
7,651 ダウンロード数
factory_bot_generator 0.2.2
Render FactoryBot factory existing object.
7,567 ダウンロード数
factory_bot_instrumentation 1.2.4
Allow your testers to generate test data on demand
34,577 ダウンロード数
factory_bot_instruments 1.2.0
Instruments for Factory Bot
339,610 ダウンロード数
factory_bot-namespaced_factories 0.1.1
Share factories between gems and domains in more complex monoliths.
2,460 ダウンロード数