RubyGems Navigation menu


owssh 0.0.28

Wrapper for awscli for listing OpsWorks hosts and sshing to them

63,396 ダウンロード数

ox 2.14.18

A fast XML parser and object serializer that uses only standard C lib. Optimized XML (...

26,004,275 ダウンロード数

ox-ai-workers 0.7.4

OxAiWorkers (ox-ai-workers) is a cutting-edge Ruby gem designed to seamlessly integrate...

5,425 ダウンロード数

oxblood 0.3.0

An experimental Ruby Redis client

28,032 ダウンロード数

ox_builder 0.0.1

XML builder with using ox

3,721 ダウンロード数

ox-builder 1.0.2

DSL for easily building XML documents using ox

8,813 ダウンロード数

oxcelix 0.4.2

A fast Excel 2007/2010 (.xlsx) file parser that returns a collection of Matrix objects

55,945 ダウンロード数

oxd-ruby 1.0.2

Ruby Client Library for Oxd Server - OpenID Connect Client RP Middleware, which organiz...

13,502 ダウンロード数

oxen 0.0.9

simple user and account engine

13,458 ダウンロード数

oxen_account 0.4.14

The account table is strictly for managing customer accounts

45,930 ダウンロード数

oxen_deployer 1.0.2

OxenDeployer was born out of desperation with Vlad accepting commits

9,355 ダウンロード数

oxen_deployer_git 1.0.7

OxenDeployer plugin for Git support. Just another pitty rip-off off the Vlad-Git plugin

17,037 ダウンロード数

oxen_job 0.4.13

Provides interfaces to DelayedJob via the ActiveJob

38,713 ダウンロード数

oxen_media 0.4.14

OxenMedia is a Gem in the Oxen* Family of Gem's

30,166 ダウンロード数

oxen_message 0.0.3

Basic messaging capabilities means, first and foremost, email/twitter/sms et al.

8,172 ダウンロード数

oxen_printer 0.4.15

oxen_printer manages printers and print_jobs - as a front end to CUPS printers.

48,894 ダウンロード数

oxen_user 0.4.13

The account table is strictly for managing customer users

41,773 ダウンロード数

oxford 0.9

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

4,411 ダウンロード数

oxforddictionaries 1.0.1

Simple parser to english words

5,301 ダウンロード数

oxford_dictionary 3.0.0

25,074 ダウンロード数

oxford-face-api 0.1.2

Microsoft Oxford Face API

6,055 ダウンロード数

oxford_learners_dictionaries 0.2.0

Implementation of a Oxford Learner's Dictionaries API, it parses...

14,991 ダウンロード数

oxford-speech-api 0.0.1

Microsoft Oxford Speech API, Speech to Text, Text to Speech functionality

3,070 ダウンロード数

oxid-capistrano 1.0.1

OXID eShop specific Capistrano tasks

3,612 ダウンロード数

oxide 0.1.10

An implementation of the Oxide Programming Language that is written in Ruby.

16,998 ダウンロード数

oxidized 0.30.1

software to fetch configuration from network devices and store them

266,107 ダウンロード数

oxidized-fetch 0.2.0

rancid clogin-like script to push configs to devices + library interface to do same

5,672 ダウンロード数

oxidized-script 0.6.0

rancid clogin-like script to push configs to devices + library interface to do same

112,205 ダウンロード数

oxidized-ssh 0.2

SSH client that supports shell and exec channels

18,699 ダウンロード数

oxidized-web 0.14.0

puma+sinatra+haml webUI + REST API for oxidized

162,928 ダウンロード数