RubyGems Navigation menu


owlcarousel2 2.2.0.pre.4.pre.g22132e0

Touch enabled jQuery plugin that lets you create a beautiful responsive carousel slider.

7,494 ダウンロード数

owlcarousel2-rails 2.2.1

Touch enabled jQuery plugin that lets you create a beautiful responsive carousel slider.

23,143 ダウンロード数

owl_carousel-rails 0.0.1

Owl Carousel. Touch enabled jQuery plugin that lets you create a beautiful responsive c...

5,331 ダウンロード数


Owl Carousel. Touch enabled jQuery plugin that lets you create beautiful responsive car...

619,537 ダウンロード数

owl-cms 0.1.5

A ruby CMS...

14,312 ダウンロード数

owldiff 0.1.2

This is the client library for the owldiff-service server. This library takes the HOST,...

5,551 ダウンロード数

owlet 0.2.0

Use Owlet library to create and alter and gather information about owlets.

7,509 ダウンロード数


Query and manage OWLIM triple store with ease.

16,561 ダウンロード数

owlproxy 0.2.0

image upload proxy for YoruFukurou. since non tested, it might have some problems.

7,422 ダウンロード数

owls 0.0.1


3,874 ダウンロード数

owlscribble 0.9.1

OWLScribble converts a specific set of wiki text markup into HTML. (The syntax used in ...

8,211 ダウンロード数

owl_tracer 0.0.4

Easy to use performance tracer for Ruby

7,858 ダウンロード数

owly 0.0.2

Owly is a Ruby library / gem and API wrapper for It currently provides shortenin...

6,242 ダウンロード数

owmo 2.1.5 client for current and forecasted weather conditions.

17,774 ダウンロード数

owm_sdk 0.1.0

An example SDK for accessing OpenWeatherMap API

290 ダウンロード数

own 0.1.0

Home work

2,541 ダウンロード数

ownable 0.2.2

Model ownership with Rails 3

14,652 ダウンロード数

owncloud-admin 0.0.3

Command line tool for installing and administering ownCloud

10,909 ダウンロード数


owncloud_caldav is Ruby client for CalDAV calendar. It is based on the agcaldav gem.

349 ダウンロード数

owners 0.1.1

Take ownership of your code

78,615 ダウンロード数

ownership 0.4.0

Code ownership for Rails

267,250 ダウンロード数

ownet 0.2.1

A simple client that interfaces with owserver from the owfs project

10,594 ダウンロード数

ownlan 0.4.6

Ownlan is used to test a network against MITM attacks, and then to secure it.

16,863 ダウンロード数

OwnSearch 0.2.0

Image gallery website using Yacy search engine.

3,039 ダウンロード数

ow-nuxeo 0.4.1

Eases common tasks for Nuxeo integrators, from creating a project from scratch to build...

21,372 ダウンロード数


A gem that utilizes the OwO API.

12,875 ダウンロード数

owoify_rb 1.1.0

This is a Ruby port of mohan-cao's owoify-js, which will help you turn any string into ...

8,058 ダウンロード数

owrb 0.0.4

Web scripts.

10,043 ダウンロード数

owskilog 0.2.2

Project created with the intention of helping managing scripts that need to constant lo...

4,093 ダウンロード数

ows-queries 0.1.6

Classes to encapsulate queries

3,007 ダウンロード数