RubyGems Navigation menu


v 0.1.1

v is for versioned. It's is currently only a threaded wrapper for the git commands or p...

32,017 ダウンロード数

v1 0.0.1

A simple version class for Ruby based on Gem::Version, adding some features.

37,988 ダウンロード数

v1gittools 0.1.1

Tool(s) to integrate the VersionOne project managemente system with git/github develope...

3,791 ダウンロード数

v2a-deploy 1.2.1

Capistrano Setup that is used by

14,488 ダウンロード数

v2av 0.1.1

Adds subtitles + TTS voiceover to video.

5,456 ダウンロード数

v2d 0.1.0

2D Vector implemented as Ruby extension

12,488 ダウンロード数

v2gpti 1.3.5

Provides a set of additional Git commands to help developers when working with Pivotal ...

101,298 ダウンロード数

v2_intuity 1.0.11

Wrapper allows one to manage V2Intuity's Rest API and even create/update/delete Streams...

23,369 ダウンロード数

v4l2-ruby 0.11.0

V4L2 insterface library for ruby

9,860 ダウンロード数

v8eval 0.3.2

Run JavaScript engine V8 in Ruby

24,435 ダウンロード数

va 0.5.0

Minimalistic framework agnostic Validator.

24,640 ダウンロード数

vaas 4.1.0

Simple gem to get the verdict of files from G Data

3,444 ダウンロード数

va_cache 1.0.3

The ultimate way to cache Active Record virtual attributes.

9,082 ダウンロード数

vacation 0.1.2

You got your peanut butter on my static file host! You got your static blog content on...

4,971 ダウンロード数

vacation_rentals_ical_adapters 0.1.2

Channel-based adapters for transforming input into iCal format

7,713 ダウンロード数

vaccine-finder 0.1.9

(***moved to the gem 'vaccine-spotter'***) This gem will notify you when COVID-19 vacci...

17,266 ダウンロード数

vaccine_slot_finder 0.1.4

Uses COWIN api to find vaccine centres based on pincode and date

10,508 ダウンロード数

vaccine-spotter 0.2.5

This gem will notify you when COVID-19 vaccine appointments are available matching cert...

12,276 ダウンロード数

vacman_controller 0.9.3

Expose the AAL2 SDK API via a set of Ruby classes optimised for developer happiness

23,155 ダウンロード数

va_common 0.4.4

common elements - header and footer for

42,466 ダウンロード数

vacuum 4.2.0

A wrapper to the Amazon Product Advertising API

1,069,954 ダウンロード数

vacuum_cleaner 1.0.3

Ruby (and Rails) attribute cleaning support, provides some nice and easy to enhance def...

20,553 ダウンロード数

vacuum-parser 0.0.1

Parser for Vacuum

6,623 ダウンロード数

vader 0.0.2

Vader: Apple Docker Environment for Rails

6,646 ダウンロード数

vader_sentiment_ruby 0.1.1

VADER (Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner) is a lexicon and rule-based sen...

23,762 ダウンロード数

vae 0.9.5

Supports local development for Vae Platform (

59,064 ダウンロード数

vaextractor 0.0.1

vaextractor uses rule-based NLP strategy to extract Snellen visual acuities from unstru...

3,221 ダウンロード数

vagabond 0.2.10

LXC driven node generation and testing tooling

28,613 ダウンロード数

vagabund 0.0.26

Vagrant plugin providing automatic config management, git operations and the ability to...

17,999 ダウンロード数

vagalume 0.1.8

Ruby interface for the Vagalume API

22,248 ダウンロード数