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dadapush_client 1.0.1

DaDaPush: Real-time Notifications App Send real-time notifications through our API with...

5,005 ダウンロード数

dadata 0.3.1 API integration

9,622 ダウンロード数

dadata_metro 0.1.0

Wrapper for the Dadata API: Metro stations

1,877 ダウンロード数

dadata_ru 1.0.6

wrapper for api

7,705 ダウンロード数

dadatas 0.1.7 API integration

5,199 ダウンロード数

daddy 0.9.9

Daddy helps me build web applications since daddy knows some good practices.

455,013 ダウンロード数

daddys_girl 1.0.0

Rubygem to provide object_daddy-like syntax for factory_girl

27,939 ダウンロード数

dadjoke 0.0.2

A gem created just to show how to create Ruby Gems. It fetches dad jokes from icanhazda...

543 ダウンロード数

dad_jokes 0.1.2

Gem to generate random popular Dad Jokes. Features include: Generating jokes, Search fo...

7,118 ダウンロード数

daedal 0.0.19

Classes for easier ElasticSearch query creation

61,132 ダウンロード数

daedal-sl 0.0.1

Ruby block DSL for writing ElasticSearch queries

6,948 ダウンロード数

daedalus 2.0.1

Daedalus will watch the output of any number of programs and trigger events when certai...

6,747 ダウンロード数

daedalus-core 1.6

Daedalus is a build system based on years of attempting to build Rubinus with a collect...

108,133 ダウンロード数

daeltar-clockwork 0.2.4

A scheduler process to replace cron, using a more flexible Ruby syntax running as a sin...

5,193 ダウンロード数

daeltar-enum_field 0.2.1

enum_field encapsulates a bunch of common idioms around ActiveRecord validates_inclusio...

12,347 ダウンロード数

daeltar-mini_factory 0.2

mini_factory is simple factory builder

4,026 ダウンロード数

dae-material 0.0.1

Simple Rails assets gem for daemonite - material

3,729 ダウンロード数

daemon 1.2.0

Make calling script to become a daemon with pid file locking support and stdout/stderr ...

92,399 ダウンロード数

daemonchild 0.0.2

A stripped down and straightforward way to write daemons in Ruby.

9,595 ダウンロード数

daemon_controller 1.2.0

A library for robust daemon management.

9,227,432 ダウンロード数

daemonic 0.1.3

Daemonic makes multi-threaded daemons easy.

19,631 ダウンロード数

daemonite 0.7.1

Daemonite - Process.daemon and argparse wrapper for loopies.

39,040 ダウンロード数

daemonize 0.0.1.alpha

Not ready, in progress to extrach content from rack-app-worker project

6,573 ダウンロード数

daemonizer 0.4.18

Inspired by bundler and rack. Mostly built on top of Alexey Kovyrin's loops code. http:...

197,973 ダウンロード数

daemonize_rails 0.0.3

Daemonize Rails will configure your server to add a new process for your rails app in p...

9,511 ダウンロード数

daemonizr 0.1.0

Process forking and monitoring for mere mortals

5,645 ダウンロード数

daemon-kit 0.3.3

daemon-kit aims to simplify creating Ruby daemons by providing a sound application skel...

287,258 ダウンロード数

daemon_objects 0.3.0

A light-weight approach to creating and managing daemons in an object-oriented way. Sup...

35,818 ダウンロード数

daemon-ogre 2.2.0

Simple to use app ARGV based daemonizer

87,085 ダウンロード数

daemon-overlord 0.2.1

Start and stop daemons with minimal monitoring.

8,211 ダウンロード数