faas 0.0.0
Simplified integration with cloud services
4,894 ダウンロード数
faasm 2.1.1
Fixed AASM is a continuation of the acts as state machine rails plugin, built for plain...
5,464 ダウンロード数
faast 1.0.0
A ruby library for the Faast push notification service
4,294 ダウンロード数
faastruby 0.5.30
FaaStRuby CLI - Manage workspaces and functions hosted at
107,036 ダウンロード数
faastruby-rpc 0.2.7
FaaStRuby RPC - Wrapper to make it easy to call FaaStRuby functions.
18,121 ダウンロード数
faat 0.1.7
Gem Faat kills your fat models.
18,797 ダウンロード数
fab 0.3.0
A fabrication plant
11,687 ダウンロード数
fabes 0.0.2
Fabes is an A/B testing system for your ruby projects
8,287 ダウンロード数
fabiokung-rfactor 0.0.2
Common refactorings for Ruby code, written in Ruby. This project aims to be integrated...
6,633 ダウンロード数
fabiokung-ruby_parser 2.0.3
ruby_parser (RP) is a ruby parser written in pure ruby (utilizing racc--which does by d...
6,710 ダウンロード数
fabiokung-sexp_processor 3.0.1
sexp_processor branches from ParseTree bringing all the generic sexp processing tools w...
3,975 ダウンロード数
fable 0.5.0
An Ink runtime for Ruby
3,585 ダウンロード数
fablicop 1.10.3
fablicop is a RuboCop configration gem.
226,179 ダウンロード数
fabrial 0.3.0
Fabrial makes it easy to follow the "Arrange, Act, Assert" pattern in your tests. It ma...
6,387 ダウンロード数
fabric 0.4.4
Fabric is a small ruby app to perform tasks on servers via SSH. Built around net/ssh an...
59,784 ダウンロード数
fabrica 0.2.1
Allows you to create simple factories ad-hoc.
6,490 ダウンロード数
fabricas 1.1.3
Fabricas is simple; just a few lines of code. It's a framework agnostic library with ze...
13,337 ダウンロード数
fabricate 0.0.1
A gem that uploads dSYM files to fabric. OS-independent and can be used on linux
7,262 ダウンロード数
fabrication 2.31.0
Fabrication is an object generation framework for ActiveRecord, Mongoid, DataMapper, Se...
9,695,264 ダウンロード数
fabrication-rails 0.0.1
Fabrication gem meets Rails generators
38,131 ダウンロード数
fabricator 0.0.5
This gem can generate a scaffold flex application based on PureMVC Multicore using the ...
14,450 ダウンロード数
fabricators 0.1.2
Minimalistic factory inspired in factory_girl for rails.
14,204 ダウンロード数
fabric-gateway 0.6.0
Ruby port of the Hyperledger Fabric Gateway SDK
9,442 ダウンロード数
fabricio 1.3.0
A simple gem that fetches mobile application statistics from API.
73,949 ダウンロード数
fabricjs-rails 2.0.0
Allows text,cufon,gestures,easing,parser,freedrawing,interaction,serialization,image_fi...
10,794 ダウンロード数
fabric-rails 1.2.1
This gem provides fabric.js for your Rails 3 application via the asset pipeline.
52,471 ダウンロード数
fabrik 0.3.0
Traits for Ruby 2, as described in the paper "Traits: A Mechanism for Fine-grained Reus...
9,011 ダウンロード数
fabrika 0.0.1.pre
Mini-Framework for creating step-based processes for Rails
2,637 ダウンロード数
fabriq 0.1.0
A daemon that allows you to run Skype bots and give them power through plugins.
4,910 ダウンロード数
fabrique 1.0.2
Configuration-based factory for dependency injection
59,846 ダウンロード数