qa_release_tasks 1.3.2
A gem that provides workflow driven rake tasks for git QA branch management
24,527 ダウンロード数
qarioz-confluencer 0.6.0
ActiveRecord-like classes to access Confluence through XMLRPC.
5,855 ダウンロード数
qa_robusta 0.1.9
QA Robusta is an automation framework easing pain points away from automation test case...
17,424 ダウンロード数
qas 1.5.1
Easily manage floss repositories.
2,049 ダウンロード数
qasa-url 0.1.0
URL is a simple URL parser and construction tool for Ruby. It doesn't follow any RFC, i...
5,890 ダウンロード数
qas_dock_gem 0.1.41
I just created this gem to say hello for the ruby gems world, okay.
66,765 ダウンロード数
qa_server 8.0.1
A rails engine with questioning authority gem installed to serve as an authority search...
83,789 ダウンロード数
Qasim is a front-end for sshfs, the filesystem client based on fuse and ssh. It provid...
2,672 ダウンロード数
qat-core 9.0.0
QAT-Core is QAT's engine, including a collection of modules for: - Configuration ma...
24,064 ダウンロード数
qat-cucumber 9.0.2
QAT is a Cucumber-based toolkit for automating tests, including a list fo modules for: ...
25,187 ダウンロード数
qat-db 9.0.0
QAT-DB provides generic methods for connecting to and handling databases: - Quick c...
6,456 ダウンロード数
qat-devel 9.0.0
QAT Devel is a tool for executing common tasks in the development of QAT modules: -...
18,304 ダウンロード数
qa_test 0.2.0
pacote test
776 ダウンロード数
qatingg 2.0.3
The best encryption class
5,396 ダウンロード数
qat-logger 9.0.0
QAT's Ruby Logger customization.
18,741 ダウンロード数
qa-tool 0.18
A lightweight tool for running your tests fast.
8,748 ダウンロード数
qat-opentest 1.0.0
QAT openTest is a gem that can create sessions and get session details with the framewo...
740 ダウンロード数
qat-reporter 9.0.0
QAT Reporter is a collection of tool for generating test report information such as: ...
34,698 ダウンロード数
qat-reporter-xray 9.0.0
QAT Reporter Xray bellong to the QAT-Reporter collection of tools and is intended for...
7,290 ダウンロード数
qat-reporter-xray-sa 1.1.4
QAT Report Xray Standalone belongs to QAT Report collection but stand alone version, so...
2,455 ダウンロード数
qat-web 9.0.4
QAT-Web is a browser controller for Web testing, with support for various browsers and ...
27,678 ダウンロード数
qat-web-video 9.0.0
QAT-Web-Video is a screen recorder for Web testing evidences, with support for various ...
2,793 ダウンロード数
q_auth_ruby_client 0.1.1
QAuthRubyClient can be mounted into any Q-App to deal with all q-apps services like aut...
24,358 ダウンロード数
qaxqa 1.4.1
This tool migrate exported XML files from TestLink tool to spreadsheet input for HP Qua...
14,727 ダウンロード数
qb 0.4.5
qb is all about projects. named after everyone's favorite projects.
210,834 ダウンロード数
qb101 0.2.0
Makes it convenient to create a questions and answers book. To be used in conjunction w...
1,152 ダウンロード数
qbash 0.0.8
With the help of Open3 executes bash command and conveniently returns its output and ex...
3,634 ダウンロード数
qbert 0.0.0
Qbert is a queue, a very basic queue.
5,149 ダウンロード数
qbert_bot 0.0.4
The no frills ruby bot for Slack
10,441 ダウンロード数
qbfc 0.3.0
QBFC-Ruby wraps the QBFC COM object of the QuickBooks SDK, providing ease-of-use impro...
13,209 ダウンロード数