r2flickr 0.2
r2flickr is a fork of rflickr, a Ruby implementation of the Flickr API. It includes a f...
5,134 ダウンロード数
r2m 0.2.5
A command-line tool for converting RSpec files to minitest.
10,777 ダウンロード数
Some audio files format to mp3
19,384 ダウンロード数
r2-oas 0.5.0
== Let's intuitively write API documentation with Swagger Editor in your Rails Project!...
28,884 ダウンロード数
r2pipe 0.1.5
R2Pipe implementation in ruby.
12,160 ダウンロード数
r2ree 0.1.2
r2ree is a ruby bindings to the r2ree linkable C++ radix tree library.
6,384 ダウンロード数
r38y-aasm 2.1.5
AASM is a continuation of the acts as state machine rails plugin, built for plain Ruby ...
5,530 ダウンロード数
r38y-grackle 0.1.3
Grackle is a lightweight library for the Twitter REST and Search API.
3,667 ダウンロード数
r38y-radio 0.0.3
Radio is a gem for converting words to radio (alpha beta etc)
8,382 ダウンロード数
R3c 0.1.0
Redmine Rest Client written in Ruby.
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r3d3 0.1.1
Toy robot simulator.
5,807 ダウンロード数
r3_exception_logger 0.1.16
Logs exceptions inside a database table. Now available as gem for Rails3 (previously a ...
19,455 ダウンロード数
r3_plugin_toolbox 0.4.3
Provides a more intuitive DSL for Rails 3 plugin configuration and a specialized RSpec ...
62,707 ダウンロード数
r3po 0.3.0
A gem that provides rake tasks to enforce standard semantic versioning and repo cleanli...
4,466 ダウンロード数
r3status 0.1.3
r3status is ruby implmentation of the i3bar protocol, and is an alternative to the defa...
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R3T 0.0.1
Functions for use in unit tests to check for race conditions when using multiple thread...
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r3trofitted-bitmask-attribute 1.1.0
Simple bitmask attribute support for ActiveRecord
6,238 ダウンロード数
r4 0.1.5
Anyone can use it for inspiration
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r404 2.0.0
Error handler & renderer for Rails
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r43 0.3.0
A Ruby wrapper for the 43 Things web services API
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r4digitalnz 1.0.1
An interface to the Digital NZ public API. See
8,607 ダウンロード数
r4r 0.1.3
Write a longer description or delete this line.
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R4rb 1.1.4
R is embedded in ruby with some communication support .
9,132 ダウンロード数
r4s 1.1.1
R4S is a gem that simplifies sending server side events (SSE) to multiple browsers in R...
12,932 ダウンロード数
r4x 0.5.0
R4X is an implementation of E4X for Ruby.
4,998 ダウンロード数
Anyone can use it for inspiration
37,146 ダウンロード数
r509 1.0.1
A module that allows you to create CSRs, issue certs off a CA, view the certs, create C...
149,064 ダウンロード数
r509-ca-http 0.3.2
A HTTP CA API for r509
21,209 ダウンロード数
r509-cert-validator 0.0.4
Tool for validating x509 certificates against CRLs and OCSP.
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r509-middleware-certwriter 0.2.1
Rack middleware that writes issued certificates to disk
12,418 ダウンロード数