ea-address_lookup 0.3.3
This gem is a wrapper around services which provide address lookup by postcode.
8,397 ダウンロード数
eaal 0.1.16
EAAL (Eve API Access Layer) is a ruby library for accessing data of the API of the game...
58,375 ダウンロード数
ea-area_lookup 0.2.3
No longer maintained. Use defra_ruby_area instead (
18,450 ダウンロード数
eac 0.0.4
The initial focus is to read EAC-CPF files that represent an individual person, which w...
12,255 ダウンロード数
eac_active_scaffold 0.6.1
Put here de description.
9,678 ダウンロード数
eac_cli 0.42.0
Utilities to build CLI applications with Ruby.
96,586 ダウンロード数
eac_config 0.14.2
Put here de description.
24,653 ダウンロード数
eac_docker 0.7.0
Put here de description.
16,905 ダウンロード数
eac_envs-http 0.6.1
Put here de description.
5,368 ダウンロード数
eac_fs 0.18.1
Put here de description.
26,866 ダウンロード数
eac_git 0.16.0
Put here de description.
37,974 ダウンロード数
each 1.0.1
A simple command to process each line of ARGF.
9,244 ダウンロード数
each_batch 0.1.0
Improved batch processing in Rails
725 ダウンロード数
each_batched 0.1.3
ActiveRecord::Batches#find_in_batches has some gotchas. This library provides alternat...
16,696 ダウンロード数
each_dir_zip 0.0.1
each directories arcive to zip format file.
3,541 ダウンロード数
each_in_batches 0.1.3
Batch Processing of Records with Blocks in Rails
13,348 ダウンロード数
each_in_batches-RobertAudi 0.1.4
Batch Processing of Records with Blocks in Rails
4,104 ダウンロード数
each_in_thread 0.1.12
EachInThread extends Ruby's Enumerable module to provide a simple, efficient way to run...
2,251 ダウンロード数
each_line 0.1.0
a text processing command-line tool that is driven by Ruby's `#each_line`
2,379 ダウンロード数
each_line_reverse 1.0.0
Read lines of a file in reverse order
7,524 ダウンロード数
each_sql 0.4.1
Enumerate each SQL statement in SQL scripts.
41,220 ダウンロード数
eachtility 0.1.2
Variations of commands based on each
2,782 ダウンロード数
each_with 0.1.1
Add indication methods to Array to determine what element you are on!
4,461 ダウンロード数
each_with_anim 0.1.4
Each_with_anim is easiest to make progress bar and other cool animations in CUI.
6,050 ダウンロード数
each_with_context 0.5.1
Contextual information about an element in an each loop
5,864 ダウンロード数
each_with_flag 0.1.0
The each-with-flag library provides Enumerable methods "each_with_flag" and "each_...
3,518 ダウンロード数
each-with-logging 0.1.1
each with logging gem.
8,858 ダウンロード数
each_with_progress 0.2
stand in replacement for Enumerable#each that will print a progress bar to the console ...
14,560 ダウンロード数
each_with_progressbar 0.1.0
Use `each_with_progressbar` to show a progressbar while iterating.
4,946 ダウンロード数
each_with_rank 0.0.1
Rank iterator for Enumerable
4,357 ダウンロード数