maccman-mash 0.0.2
A fork of a Mash library.
282,144 ダウンロード数
maccman-phantomrb 1.0.5
An interface with PhantomJS for Ruby.
18,961 ダウンロード数
maccro 0.2.0
Macro processor for Ruby 2.6 or later
5,021 ダウンロード数
macdiff 0.0.3
MacDiff is a command line tool for visualizing folder differences using the MAC diff co...
2,155 ダウンロード数
mac-event-monitor 0.2.1
A Library to Monitor User Interactions
22,187 ダウンロード数
mac_format 0.0.1
Validates mac format with the mac_address gem.
3,705 ダウンロード数
macgap 0.0.8
Command line utility for generating MacGap applications
36,957 ダウンロード数
mac_generators 0.3.1
Includes 3 generators, the first two are to create a Rails authentication. The last one...
15,562 ダウンロード数
macgyver 0.0.8
Command line utility for generating MacGapNode applications, forked from MacGap-rb by A...
3,975 ダウンロード数
mach 0.0.3
HMAC authentication stuff
12,074 ダウンロード数
mach5-tools 0.3.0
Mach 5 is a minimalist C++11 benchmarking framework.
18,806 ダウンロード数
mache 3.2.0
Mâché provides helps you to write cleaner and more expressive acceptance tests for your...
24,584 ダウンロード数
machery 0.0.1
A wrapper for accessing Mach OSX functions in Ruby.
3,790 ダウンロード数
machete 0.5.0
Machete is a simple tool for matching Rubinius AST nodes against patterns. You can use ...
23,059 ダウンロード数
machiawase 0.7.0
provides command line usage and library to get a middle point of plural points
63,581 ダウンロード数
machida_presence 0.1.0
Object#blank?・Object#present?・Object#presenceの再実装 at Machida.rb
2,195 ダウンロード数
machina 0.0.1
Really really simple state machine
7,684 ダウンロード数
machinator 0.1.1
obfuscate file content and directory structures
8,799 ダウンロード数
machine 0.1.1
Machine collects some informations about cpu, memory, processes.
50,931 ダウンロード数
machine_classifier 0.0.1
Call GooglePrediction's classification API
3,572 ダウンロード数
machine_configure 0.0.3
This gem can import or export the necessary configuration files for your docker-mac...
6,324 ダウンロード数
machined 1.1.0
Why another static site generator? Machined is for the developers who know and love the...
79,540 ダウンロード数
machinegun 0.2.1
An automatic reloading Rack development web server for Ruby.
12,635 ダウンロード数
machine-gun 0.2.1
Send multiple HTTP requests simultaneously from a single ruby Thread, powered by gorout...
8,243 ダウンロード数
machine-head 0.1.0
Ruby API for HDHomeRun dual ATSC tuner. Requires hdhomerun_config.
4,955 ダウンロード数
machine_health_report 0.0.1
Write a short summary, because RubyGems requires one.
736 ダウンロード数
machineid 1.0.2
Ruby GEM to Get a machine's ID
3,569 ダウンロード数
machine_learner 0.0.4
This is a library for machine learning. You can use AdaBoost and Naive Bayes easily.
12,122 ダウンロード数
machine_learning 1.0.0
A machine learning gem
4,302 ダウンロード数
machine_learning_workbench 0.8.0
This workbench holds a collection of machine learning methods in Ruby. Rather than spec...
35,124 ダウンロード数