backbone-jasmine 0.0.1
Generates tests for backbone.js within rails
5,825 ダウンロード数
backbonejs-rails 1.0.1
All it does it give you the files you need, nothing fancy. When installed it will requi...
40,315 ダウンロード数
backbone-marionette-rails 1.0.2
Vendors Backbone.Marionette Library to Rails
18,063 ダウンロード数
backbone-mixpanel 0.2.0
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
5,105 ダウンロード数
backbone_model_binder-rails 0.0.2
Backbone.ModelBinding for Rails
8,591 ダウンロード数
backbone_mvc 0.0.2
Description of BackboneMvc.
7,747 ダウンロード数
backbone-nested-attributes 0.5.0
Add nested attributes to your Backbone models
79,192 ダウンロード数
backbone_pageable_rails 0.1.0
Gem for backbone-pageable.js
4,916 ダウンロード数
backbone-paginator 0.0.2
A container for the Backbone.Paginator Library at
5,239 ダウンロード数
backbone-paginator-rails 2.0.2
backbone.paginator vendored into Rails Asset Pipeline
47,846 ダウンロード数
backbone-queryparams-rails 0.0.3
Backbone plugin which provides query parameter support =>
12,481 ダウンロード数
backboner 0.0.1
A bunch of generators to help you build backbone/rails apps
5,591 ダウンロード数
backbone-radio-rails 0.9.0
Rails asset wrapper for
4,092 ダウンロード数
backbone_rails 0.0.2
backbone_rails does two things: 1. tell active record to exclude the root element from ...
6,151 ダウンロード数
backbone-rails 1.2.3
Ships backbone and underscore to your Rails 3.1 application through the new asset pipel...
1,142,986 ダウンロード数
backbone_rails_extensions 1.0.1
This gem provides a set of Backbone.js extensions commonly used in Coroutine projects. ...
9,176 ダウンロード数
backbone-rails-pageable 1.3.1
Vendors the backbone pageable extension for rails
5,579 ダウンロード数
backbone-relational-hal-rails 0.1.2
Javascript assets for the latest backbone-relational-hal release.
7,700 ダウンロード数
backbone-relational-rails 0.10.0
Backbone-relational provides one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-one relations between ...
170,816 ダウンロード数
backbone-soundmanager2-rails 0.1.3
backbone.soundmanager2 packaged as a gem for use in Rails' asset pipeline
7,435 ダウンロード数
backbone-source 0.0.3
An asset gem, allowing you to include the latest version of Backbone
13,840 ダウンロード数
backbone-stickit-rails 0.6.3
A wrapper around backbone.stickit for use with the rails asset pipeline
4,868 ダウンロード数
backbone-subroute-rails 0.4.6
Rails asset wrapper for backbone.subroute
7,113 ダウンロード数
backbone-support 0.5.1
SwappingController and CompositeView for Backbone.js
380,862 ダウンロード数
backbone_sync-rails 0.0.8
Broadcast changes from Rails models to client-side Backbone.js collections with WebSock...
36,691 ダウンロード数
A wrapper for Backbone.Syphon in the Rails asset pipeline
78,825 ダウンロード数
A wrapper for backbone.validation in the Rails asset pipeline
84,071 ダウンロード数
backbone-view-enhanced-events-declaration-rails 0.0.3
A Rails 3 asset pipeline gem for Backbone.View.EnhancedEventsDeclaration mixin
31,573 ダウンロード数
backbonify 0.1.0
A generator for Backbone in Rails >= 3.1. The Language is javascript (no coffee) and th...
5,616 ダウンロード数
backbrace 0.0.17
Sets up Backbone.js and Crossroads.js and a basic folder structure
5,355 ダウンロード数